new beginnings

Welcome to the new blog on the new website for our new company! So much “new”…

I figure the best way to kick this thing off is to introduce who we are and just what in the world it is we think we’re doing. My name is John Beck, and my partner in criminal enterprise is one Brian Pope. Out in the wilds of the internet, you’ll know us a “Mnkylord” and “Beastman,” respectively. Brian and I have spent the last couple of decades playing just about every kind of game you can imagine: Video games, console games, classic board games, contemporary board games, card games, tabletop miniature games, RPGs of every setting and stripe. We love the social and intellectual experience of pitting your wits against other players, or pooling your wits together in a cooperative effort to beat a cleverly designed game. We love the ludological exercise of picking games apart, analyzing the underlying systems, and sussing out why they make for compelling experience.

So one day, we thought, “hey, we’re two reasonably smart, creative, fun, incredibly handsome lads. Why don’t we have a go at making our own games?”

“I mean, how hard could it be?”

And so here we are: Larksong Entertainment, LLC. We are gamers making the games we want to play. We hope you’ll want to play them, too!

As we make this journey, we’re going to attempt to document our creative process and share it with the community at large. Hopefully, other budding game designers will enjoy following our exploits, celebrate our triumphs, and learn from our mistakes.

Welp, off to it, then!